"Your Research Contributions are Welcome - See How"
Here are some specific examples of what can be done:
1) Send us information on five generations of living relatives and
Braatz/Bratz ancestors, indicating year and place of birth, year of
death (if the case), father, mother and spouse;
2) Examine the list of names on the Braatz table and complete or
correct information presented there - entries in red indicate that
there are doubts about the correctness of the information;
3) Do research or order research on your familly at the US National
Archives - visit the following site for information:
4) Research passenger and immigration lists at the site bellow.
Records of about 3,050,000 passengers. Who came to the United
States and Canada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth
Centuries. They estimate that there have been over 35,000,000
immigrants who came to the New World.
or on another site:
5) Plot on a map the places of birth of the earliest Braatz/Bratzes
listed on our table in order to find out whether there is a pattern of
migration or an indication of origin. The maps found at the following
sites may be of help:
6) Research microfilms from the Mormon Church for the places listed on
our table, particularly those with only one entry, since when there
are many entries from the same place, this has already been
researched. There are dozens of churches all over the world where this
microfilms can be researched. Find the addresses at the following site:
7) Research the "Generalmusterungrollen" (1791-1807), the
"Hinterpommersche Regieurung in Colberg/Stargard" (1654-1723) and the
"Akten des Oberpraesidenten mit Auswanderern" (1815-1933) at the
Vorpommersches Landesarchiv, Greifswald - Phone 038 34/7 72 86 Fax
038 34/25 52 P.O.Box (Postfach) 33 23 D-17463 Greifswald
8) Research the "Ten Series of Pennsylvania Archives" where Anthony,
Lowdwick and Philip (this one twice) are registered as marrying in the
second half of the eighteenth century, indicanting they were born
about 175? - These records would indicate that the first Bratz/Braatz
immigrants to the New World came one century earlier than thought.
These Archives are in Philadelphia or Harrisburg.
9) Research in Swedish archives, because the Historian Werner Braatz,
from Oshkosh had information that our family went to Germany as part
of the invading forces of King Gustav Adolf, in 1635. The Braatz
contacted in Sweden informed their ancestors came from Germany. The
Bratz family in Norway came from Klaipeda, Lithuania.