85. Ruth Mildred SCHMIDT was born on 9 Apr 1924 in Red Springs, Shawano, Wisconsin.

She was married to Ervin RIGGLE on 3 Sep 1949. Ervin RIGGLE was born about 1923. Ruth Mildred SCHMIDT and Ervin RIGGLE had the following children:

child149 i. Gail ANN RIGGLE was born on 24 Nov 1950 in GREEN BAY, BROWN, Wisconsin.
child150 ii. Michael Jon RIGGLE was born on 31 Mar 1953 in GREEN BAY, BROWN, Wisconsin.
child151 iii. Mark Todd RIGGLE was born on 24 Sep 1961 in GREEN BAY, BROWN, Wisconsin.
child152 iv. DAVID KARL RIGGLE was born on 12 Aug 1966 in GREEN BAY, BROWN, Wisconsin.

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