101. Betty JANE SCHMIDT was born on 23 Mar 1936 in Herman Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin.

She was married to Raymond HANDGARTNER on 16 Apr 1955 in St Pauls Luth, Gresham, Shawano, Wisconsin. Raymond HANDGARTNER was born on 4 Apr 1923 in Bartelme Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin. Betty JANE SCHMIDT and Raymond HANDGARTNER had the following children:

child193 i. Curtis Lee HANGARTNER was born on 20 Sep 1955 in Bartelme Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin. He was christened on 16 Oct 1955 in Bowler, Shawano, Wisconsin.
child194 ii. Steven Lee HANGARTNER was born on 20 Sep 1956 in Bartelme Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin. He was christened on 21 Oct 1956 in Bowler, Shawano, Wisconsin.
child195 iii. Terry Van HANGARTNER was christened on 15 Sep 1956 in Bowler, Shawano, Wisconsin. He was born on 16 Aug 1957 in Bartelme Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin.
child196 iv. Jay PATRICK HANGARTNER was born on 22 May 1963 in Bartelme Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin.
child197 v. Kim Michael HANGARTNER was born on 12 Aug 1964 in Bartelme Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin.

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