9. FERDINAND JOHN BRAATZ was born on 6 May 1877 in SENECA, Shawano, Wisconsin. He died on 5 Aug 1967 in SENECA, Shawano, Wisconsin. He was buried on 8 Aug 1967 in Elias Luth Cem, Herman Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin.

He was married to Helena Augusta Hermina BUBLITZ on 15 Oct 1913 in , Shawano, Wisconsin. Helena Augusta Hermina BUBLITZ was born on 4 Mar 1890 in Rutzow, HinterPommern, PRUSSIA. She died on 16 Feb 1978 in Wittenberg, Shawano, Wisconsin. FERDINAND JOHN BRAATZ and Helena Augusta Hermina BUBLITZ had the following children:

child+44 i. OTTO Emil BRAATZ.
child+45 ii. Irma JOHANNA BRATZ.
child+46 iii. ARTHUR JULIUS BRATZ.

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