122. DAVID JOHN BRATZ was born on 20 Feb 1954 in SENECA, Shawano, Wisconsin.

DAVID JOHN BRATZ and Linda SANDFORD had the following children:

child+224 i. Brenda Lee BRATZ.
child225 ii. David John BRATZ II was born on 1 May 1978 in Clarksville, TN.
child226 iii. Shane Alan BRATZ was born on 10 Jun 1980 in Shawano, Shawano, Wisconsin.

He was married to Doreen Diane BUETTNER on 27 Jan 1973. DAVID JOHN BRATZ and Doreen Diane BUETTNER had the following children:

child227 i. Heather Lynn BRATZ was born on 16 Nov 1974 in Camp Lejuene, NC.

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