113. JOHN EDWARD DAHL was born on 21 Jul 1947 in Shawano, Shawano, Wisconsin.

He was married to MARY ELIZABETH VOELKER on 11 Aug 1973 in Bowler, Shawano, Wisconsin. MARY ELIZABETH VOELKER was born on 5 Oct 1950 in Colorado Springs, , Colorado. JOHN EDWARD DAHL and MARY ELIZABETH VOELKER had the following children:

child218 i. Laurie JANE DAHL was born on 28 Nov 1979 in GREEN BAY, BROWN, Wisconsin. She was christened on 14 Jan 1980.
child219 ii. Eric JOHN DAHL was born on 10 Apr 1984 in Shawano, Shawano, Wisconsin. He was christened on 17 May 1984.

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