171. JoNell BRUDNICKI was born on 20 Jan 1957 in GREEN BAY, BROWN, Wisconsin.

She was married to Jeffrey Dean SHOELL on 1 Jun 1979. Jeffrey Dean SHOELL was born on 12 Sep 1956. JoNell BRUDNICKI and Jeffrey Dean SHOELL had the following children:

child281 i. Jeremy Ronald SHOELL was born on 12 May 1980 in Provo, Utah, Utah.
child282 ii. Jeffrey Adam SHOELL was born on 13 Aug 1982 in Provo, Utah, Utah.
child283 iii. Kara SHOELL was born on 3 Dec 1983 in Provo, Utah, Utah.
child284 iv. Holly SHOELL was born on 17 Dec 1990 in Provo, Utah, Utah.

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