14. Elsa GIESSEL was born on 18 Jan 1894 in SENECA, Shawano, Wisconsin. She died on 18 Jan 1944.
She was married to Leopold WESTPHAL on 8 Nov 1916 in PELLA, Shawano, Wisconsin.
Leopold WESTPHAL was born on 6 Jun 1880 in PELLA, Shawano, Wisconsin.
He died on 11 Dec 1971 in Clintonville, Waupaca, Wisconsin. Elsa GIESSEL and
Leopold WESTPHAL had the following children:
+63 i.
64 ii.
Meta WESTPHAL was born on 20 Nov 1921 in PELLA, Shawano, Wisconsin. She
died on 4 Aug 1944.
65 iii.
Ervin WESTPHAL was born on 2 Oct 1925 in PELLA, Shawano, Wisconsin.
66 iv.
Rena WESTPHAL died in 1930. She was born on 23 Mar 1930 in PELLA, Shawano,
67 v.