11. Alma GIESSEL was born on 9 Jul 1886 in SENECA, Shawano, Wisconsin. She died on 18 Jul 1963 in , Shawano, Wisconsin. She was buried on 20 Jul 1963 in Evangelical Cem, SENECA, Shawano, Wisconsin.

She was married to CHARLES SCHULTZ on 5 Nov 1908 in Leopolis, Shawano, Wisconsin. CHARLES SCHULTZ was born on 6 May 1883 in SENECA, Shawano, Wisconsin. He died on 17 Jan 1967. Alma GIESSEL and CHARLES SCHULTZ had the following children:

child56 i. Roy KARL WALTER SCHULTZ was born on 1 Oct 1912 in Almon Twp, Shawano, Wisconsin. He died on 3 Feb 1914.
child+57 ii. Ester Alma MINNIE SCHULTZ.
child+58 iii. HERMAN Raymond SCHULTZ Ray.
child+59 iv. MABEL Selma Irmgard SCHULTZ.
child60 v. Bertram Emil Lorence SCHULTZ was born on 3 Mar 1924 in , Shawano, Wisconsin. He died in 1951 in , , Korea.
child+61 vi. Melvin SCHULTZ.

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