Braatz Memories and Rememberances

From Wolfgang Braatz

These photos were shared with us by Wolfgang Braatz of Hannover, Germany

This is a family photograph of the August Braatz Family in Kiel, taken in 1900

This is the Carl Braatz Family, of Hannover

Postcards From Gollnow

The first is from commerce establishment (Laden) which belonged to a Braatz family in Gollnow. This kind of Laden usually was a store that would sell "delicate", specialty, gourmet food.

This card from Gollnow says "Remembrances and return to the past".


Gravestones in Kreis Konitz

				Grabsteine im Kreis Konitz    September 2003												
    Geb.		Tod		Name				Vater		Grabstein in		Mutter			Ehepartner			
4.9.1892	20.9.1916	 Behrend, Erich					Odry, Konitz						Beruf Lehrer						
27.1.1857	31.3.1935	 Glienke, Eduard				Odry, Konitz					 		  				
6.11.1870	29.4.1929	 Rettmann, Mathilde	Glienke		Odry, Konitz		 									
16.3.1861	22.9.1930	 Braatz, Ludwig		Christian	Odry, Konitz		Glienke, Wilhelmine			 						
7.12.1931	16.7.1932	 Braatz, Kurt	 				Mockrau, Konitz					 		 				
6.12.1881	17.6.1838	 Redwanz, Minna		Behrendt	Mockrau, Konitz											
15.11.1885	20.8.1918	 Redwanz, Mathilde	 			Mockrau, Konitz					 						

Wolfgang's father, Friedrich, aged 80, standing over the Ludwig Braatz Tombstone

Kurt Braatz Tombstone

Odry in the Summer 2003


Thought to be a family member. Anyone recognize him as a Bra(a)tz? This photo from Danzig may be from around 1880.


This photo in Loebau may be from Gottlieb Braatz, born 1814 at his 2nd marriage to Caroline born Lehmann, taken March, 20, 1865.


These are thought to be Braatz family members from Bromberg. Please let us know if you recognize them.

There is a great website that has a ton of postcard images of Bromberg, an origin of Wolfgang's Braatz ancestry. Check it out:



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