Science & Ideas 10/23/00
Snipping away at human disease
Into the era of
individually tailored therapies
By Joannie Fischer
Warren Wegele would probably be dead by now if he had
received the standard treatment for his failing heart. Wegele
is one of the many patients who expose the shortfalls of
medicine in all areas–from cancer to depression–by not
responding to medicine or by having toxic, even fatal,
reactions. "Each time I write a prescription for a new
patient," says diabetes expert David Altshuler, "I know it
might not help at all and could do harm." In fact, properly
prescribed medications make 2 million Americans seriously sick
and kill 100,000 each year.
But the era of "one size fits all" medication is ending, as
physicians learn to read a patient's unique genetic code and
to tailor treatments accordingly. In Wegele's case, doctors at
the University of Cincinnati found an alteration in one of his
genes, alerting them that current drugs would do no good; he
received a new heart instead. A massive effort now underway to
catalog the variations in DNA is ushering all fields of
medicine into what researchers call the "post-genomic era,"
when DNA tests will be as routine as blood pressure and
temperature checks.
Now that the Human Genome Project has spelled out the 3.1
billion chemical letters of the average human's DNA code, the
hunt is on for what researchers call SNPs (pronounced
"snips"), the spots along the chain where spelling differs
from one person to the next. Humans are remarkably similar:
999 out of every 1,000 letters are identical among all people.
Yet the genetic code is so long that those one-in-a-thousand
variations add up to make some people tall, others curly
haired, some prone to heart attack, and still others resistant
to migraine treatments.
In all, there are probably 10 million SNPs (shorthand for
single nucleotide polymorphisms), and decoding how they affect
individuals could revolutionize both the diagnosis and
treatment of today's most common diseases. Last month,
researchers at the SNP Consortium–a nonprofit collaboration of
top academic centers and 13 of the world's largest
pharmaceutical companies–announced that they have found more
than a million SNPs so far. Working independently, other
pharmaceutical firms also boast millions of SNPs in their
private databases. Altshuler, who is part of the consortium
and helped to develop a speedy way of finding SNPs, says that
enough SNPs have already been identified to help researchers
better understand most of today's common killers.
Some physicians are trying out this new knowledge in the
clinic and meeting with early success. For example, at the
University of Cincinnati, physician Stephen Liggett and
colleagues studied the SNPs of 121 asthma patients who came in
for treatment this year. Most often, the drug Albuterol is
used for asthma. It affects a particular gene–the so-called
(beta) 2 adrenergic receptor–which in turn affects lung
function. There are 13 different known SNP areas on this gene,
which could theoretically be combined to form 8,192 different
SNP patterns (called "haplotypes").
Fresh air. While no single SNP could affect a person's
reaction to Albuterol, Liggett found that four of the
haplotypes did affect response. Depending on which of those
four SNP groupings patients carried, doctors could predict
whether or not they would respond to the drug. In this study,
one third of patients needed an alternative treatment. The
study is preliminary but promising for the 17 million people
with asthma and for drug makers eager to develop new products
that will target those who don't respond to current
But before the new field of "pharmacogenomics"–designing
drugs to match particular DNA profiles–can truly take off,
researchers need to better understand how the many SNPs on the
many genes involved in any given disease all interact. There
are hundreds of genes involved in diabetes, for example. And
given the complexity of even a small stretch of DNA, other
common diseases may prove even more difficult to unravel. Last
month, scientists at the Sanger Center in Cambridge, England,
reported in the journal Nature that they had found
2,730 SNPs on chromosome 22 (one of the body's smallest
chromosomes), which has been linked to 35 disorders, including
schizophrenia and heart disease.
With so many factors involved, researchers will have to
devote serious effort to sorting out the truly significant SNP
groupings from mere "noise." When researchers at the Whitehead
Institute Center for Genome Research at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology recently followed up on 16 SNPs
reportedly linked to diabetes, rigorous studies of thousands
of samples were only able to confirm that one of those 16 is
truly linked to the illness.
A better map. Most researchers agree, though, that it
is just a matter of time until the connections between SNPs
and disease become clearer and the true causes of many modern
ailments are uncovered. "Right now, we just treat symptoms,"
says Eric Lander, director of the Whitehead Institute. But the
SNP map, Lander says, will explain the genetic underpinnings
of illness. In fact, our very definitions of some disorders
are likely to change, he says. What is now thought of as one
disease, such as multiple sclerosis or breast cancer, could be
shown to be three or four distinct ailments, each needing a
different treatment. Ultimately, it may be possible to
actually correct the genetic spelling errors that underlie
cancer or Alzheimer's through a process known as gene repair.
But the era of personalized medicine cannot materialize
until more people are willing to have their DNA scanned for
links between genetic variation and disease. Now, "no one
wants to participate" in DNA studies for fear of losing his
privacy, says Arthur Holden, chairman of the SNP Consortium.
Last week, Holden announced that he is forming a partnership
with IBM to launch First Genetic Trust, a gene bank that will
guarantee the privacy of anyone who donates a DNA sample. If
authorized, the bank will send the sample to an individual's
physician or to a study that could benefit.
Because SNPs are involved not only in illness but in every
human trait, many worry that knowledge of SNP variations could
be used to discriminate against people or whole groups of
people. But Altshuler says that the more DNA he studies, the
more amazed he is by how much everyone has in common. "If you
take any two people from 100 in an auditorium, they will vary
from each other," he says. "But if you then take the other 98
people, they are likely to have the same variations as one of
the first two. We quite literally are one big family."