DNA Y-Tests Link Hauri Families
Hauri genealogists used DNA Y tests to identify and link
members of a large Y-linked (coined term) family. The Y-linked
Hauri family consists of the Howery and Howry families of Virginia
and Pennsylvania, plus the Froschauerhof, Bavaria Haury family.
The specific branch links have not been identified by other
In October 2000, Frederick Haury (fredhaury@juno.com) and
Justin Howery (justin@howery.net) submitted
DNA Y test samples (to Family Tree DNA, 1919 North Loop West,
Suite 685, Houston TX 77008) for analysis and comparison. On 15
November, Bennett Greenspan (bcg@usernet.com), President of
FamilyTreeDna.com, notified them by e-mail: that they matched
perfectly for all 12 sites on the Y chromosome, as compared by the
lab. This represents a 99.9 percent probability that they share a
common paternal ancestor, without any "non-paternal events"
(scientific euphemism for adoptions or marital infidelities) in
their paternal ancestry.
In 1711, religious/political refugee ancestors of Mennonite
Jakob Haury's (1718 Hamm, Bavaria-1789 Froshauerhof, Bavaria)
Hauri branch migrated to Bavaria from Switzerland, with subsequent
migrations to USA in 1800s. Justin's branch departed Switzerland
around 1700 and continued to Pennsylvania. A joint theory assumes
a "Most Recent Common Ancestor" (MRCA) existed in Switzerland
prior to the 1700 families exodus. The DNA Y-test match supports
the theory, without proof thereof. The MRCA lived within the past
800 years, the probable time frame when a common ancestor selected
the Hauri surname. This time frame also agrees with the
Staatsarchiv des Kantons Aargau proposal that: "There is only one
Hauri family, that originated in Beromuenster about 1400 (perhaps
coming from Interlaken), and spread throughout Switzerland and
southern Germany". The theory does not imply that all HAURIs
descended from a single family, but includes those identified by
DNA Y tests and/or genealogy records.
Other Hauri men are encouraged and invited to submit DNA
Y-samples for testing and comparison. Test results are solicited
from French, German, Scott, and other national sound alike
surnames such as: Hauri; Howrie; Howry; etc. which may document if
surnames are Y-linked or resulted from separate individual surname
selections. Tests may reveal differences of genealogical
significance, and help identify and combine various Hauri family
Test results for living members of other Beromuenster families
could be significant. Some Beromuenster families may have common
paternal ancestry with Y-linked HAURIs, but have other surnames.
DNA tests may expand the ancestor tree, plus add information on
arbitrary surname selection by ancestors.
How else can DNA tests be useful to genealogists?
Hauri sound-alike surnamed individuals, plus others with an
interest in the surname or having related information, may
subscribe to the HOWERY@RootsWeb> mailing list. They also may
contact Justin Howery or Fred Haury (e-mail addresses above).
Fred's MRCA could be Jakob Haury's (1718-89) grandfather,
making Fred an eighth generation descendant.
Bavaria Mennonite Jakob Haury's family descendants are on
GEDCOM files at RootsWeb's WorldConnect
Project with related data on two other pages: Index
of Fred Haury and Homepage
for Fred Haury.